"This mentorship program is so bomb I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering starting an online business or has an existing one & is looking to level up!"

— Brandi

For All Industries!

"This program is amazing I’ve been here for a year and the stuff I’ve learned and information I’ve gained is unbelievable. I originally thought because I sell hair care I won’t be able to gain much but I’m glad I did. I recommend this for any one in an e-commerce business to join the mentorship and Lilly keeps it real, also recommend a one on one."

— Kisann

Lilly Is The Real Deal!

"Listen guys. Lilly is the real deal! She is very passionate about helping others in the ecommerce space. I'll be honest, despite being a member of the mentorship program for several months, I hadn't fully committed and engaged until most recently. The only regret that I have is not having engaged sooner! Being able to share amongst a sisterhood of bosseque entrepreneurs - the wins and successes (AND the struggles) has been amazing."

— Sharalyn

I Love It Here

"I’ve been in the mentorship since it opened and it’s the greatest thing ever. I personally love being in the program because Lilly gives major gems and really pushes my creativity. Sometimes we get burnt out but she really knows how to pull me back in when I’m losing focus or motivation. The girls in the group make it even better as well. Legit formed a sister hood! I highly recommend joining because you’ll learn so much about the tools to help you with your business. Only thing is you have to be willing to put in the work or you won’t see the results"

— Kabria

Day In The Life In 30 Seconds